Monday, November 22, 2010

Common Sense VS Political Correctness

I usually don't just jump on the bandwagon and talk about the current trending topic, but this is one of those times. When I first started hearing about the TSA going a bit over bored with screening at airports, my first thought was that people must be exaggerating. 

However, then I saw it on TV. They made a mother pick up her six year old daughter and hold her face forward while they ran their hands up her legs and between them. WHAT? The child was hysterical and the mother didn't look much better. We raise our children about stranger danger and not to let people touch them in private places, and now we are supposed to just stand by and watch, even participate? Good God! Enough is enough!

The FBI and other agencies have been using profiling for years to catch serial killers and rapists. It's time for the USA to throw away Political Correctness

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